Just picked up an Alesis SR-18 drum machine for live stuff. I love the old Yamaha machines I’ve used before, but when you can only have 99 patterns and a given song might need 10 or more, you fill up pretty quickly and if you want to change your set […]
Since I drunk the analog synthesizer Kool-Aid a while back, I’ve been wanting an ARP for at least a couple years, but usually EBay has been showing up ones that were just a little beyond my budget [ARP Odysseys] or a lot beyond my budget [ARP 2600s] or a Hell […]
Presuming it’s still 1985, that is. Programming drums into the drum machines. I’m used to my Yamaha RX8, which is from the early ’90s and arcane enough but the RX15 is a real relic. In some ways the RX15 is much simpler than the RX8 – fewer sounds, no non-drum […]
Been thinking for a while about what to do about stage lighting – sure, some venues have their own rigs, others just flood the stage with white light and that’s that. And others are not specifically music venues so the lighting is more a matter of overhead flourescents, always flattering. […]
Decided it would be fun for my upcoming sets to add a little percussion into the mix at points where I’m not playing synths. So, I brought in a few toys from home, including a vibraslap, my old tambourine, some shakers and other things. Forgot to bring in my cabasa […]
OK, technically it’s multi-level noisemakers. Getting the live set-up a little better organized. In other news, remixes now submitted for both Drowning Susan and c0ndu1t. Also back to working on demos for the new maQLu album. Check out this week’s edition of CiTR Weirdo Music on podcast, it’s got a […]