Stumbled on this one. Probably pure coincidence, but nonetheless: on the same list as Download and Phil Western = awesome.
Just picked up my short run of CDs for the new album to ship out to Canadian college radio. Guess this means I’d better get that damn bio updated so I can print up the one-sheets to go with ’em.
This is real [took a pic of my iPad’s screen when logged into the maQLu Twitter account], but surely it’s a mistake. Either that or it’s a clever scheme – follow a bunch of bands, when they’re done shitting themselves, they follow back, then unfollow since it’s mission accomplished. But […]
Tracking vocals for a cover of Depeche Mode’s “Lie to Me” to submit for consideration for COMA music Magazine’s upcoming covers compilation. And I bet people thought I’d forgotten all about it.
Follow up from yesterday’s post about some goofy synchronicities stemming from a couple conversations joking about dick pics etc. I’d been going to go to a show tonight but it got cancelled so I’ll be doing my usual radio show instead. Which means I need caffeine and candy, which I […]
First note of the bassline for “Membrane” caught on “film”. Using the SH-32 from MIDI programmed in ProTools.
Found my old photography portfolio hard drive tonight as I’ve got to sort through and find certain shots for album art. This isn’t one of the shots I’ll use for the next EP, but I thought this would be a fun one to share. The guy is from some porn […]
July 2nd in Vancouver. Now, I don’t mind cool overcast days, but this is getting a little ridiculous. Reminds me of what a friend said last week. He’ll be away on tour starting in the fall. “Yeah, gotta get away from the Vancouver winter this time, seeing as we’ve had […]
Well, my Crackberry is a terrible camera for far-away things, gotta get a new point and shoot real camera, but I did get a couple decent shots from tonight’s Rammstein show at Rogers Arena in Vancouver: Just over an hour and a half for the main set, plus two encores. […]