Or at least issues with getting a mannequin shipped to Canada from companies who insist they ship worldwide until you try to order something and then it’s “We don’t ship to Canada, sorry.” I’ve had this happen twice in the lat month, once was a company who said on EBay […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
Jesus… so a couple days ago in the midst of the hysteria I made a post on my personal Facebook about ignore the media hype, the sky’s not falling and you’re more likely to get hit by a bus than shot in a movie theatre by a Bad Man With […]
So in the last month or so, Alanis Morissette’s “You Oughta Know” has been following me around. Of course I’d heard it on the radio when it came out, and other singles from that album floated around for the last 15 years or so, but when Jagged Little Pill came […]
This week Futureghosts was: #10 on the electronic top 10 at CHUO in Ottawa. #26 on the top 30 at CFBU in St. Catherine’s, ON. And I found another national chart from June that I missed before: Futureghosts was #18 on the top 20 electronic albums of June on !earshot. […]
Had to chuckle last night as I saw someone on Twitter insist that in 50 years tattoos won’t be cool and no one will be getting them anymore. I happen to know he hasn’t got any, and it seems to me perhaps there’s a bit of projection on his part. […]
Futureghosts was #98 on !earshot‘s Top 200 chart for June Pretty sure this is the first time I made the national end-of-the-month chart for !earshot, surprised and pleased to see that come across my Google alerts today.
They negate everything you’ve said before them. Yet people don’t seem to get this first-grade vocabulary issue. eg: Chick insists she’s like totally a free speech kinda gal, but how dare Daniel Tosh make jokes she doesn’t find funny. [Anti-feminist stuff, and Tosh’s whole schtick is to push the envelope […]
This week Futureghosts was: #9 on the electronic top 10 at CJUM in Winnipeg. #11 on the top 30 at CFBU in St. Catherine’s, ON. #28 on the top 30 at CiTR in Vancouver.
So, I wrote this last night and was going to post it later on the weekend, but when I got up this afternoon I found Michael Mann at the Straight had posted his comments about the “just press play” milieu of the electronic dance music scene and I thought maybe […]
Funny as I’m settling down to write a rather dark batch of songs I find this: Kathy Shaidle’s list of favorite revenge songs Of course “You Oughta Know” is on there, though it’s not her #1. Years ago I recall reading some interview with Trent Reznor where he was commenting […]
July 2nd in Vancouver. Now, I don’t mind cool overcast days, but this is getting a little ridiculous. Reminds me of what a friend said last week. He’ll be away on tour starting in the fall. “Yeah, gotta get away from the Vancouver winter this time, seeing as we’ve had […]
For whatever reason my Google alert didn’t tip me off to this one, came in to do my radio show [The Vampire’s Ball] at CiTR Radio and saw my name on the wall by the music director’s office – on this week’s top 30 chart printout. So, Futureghosts has re-entered […]