Cover of Depeche Mode’s “Lie To Me.” This cover originally appeared on COMA Music Magazine’s 2012 covers compilation Tainted Candy, which is a free download here: Enjoy. 🙂 Fucking weird, by the way – noticed that YouTube has slapped black bars on the sides, even though the uploaded video […]
Monthly Archives: December 2013
Not gonna bother doing the usual album list crap. After all, those “what I’m listening to this week” posts are more accurate on that front [skipping it this week due to Christmas, even if I’m listening more to Danzig than any Christmas music]. Instead, I figured I’d rattle off some […]
Weird little thing I noticed in the last few days: So I’m working on “Mr. Brownstone,” and we’d been over the verse and chorus riffs in my guitar lesson. I meant to scribble it down while it was still fresh in my mind but then I got sidetracked on my […]
Hey, only 8 days later instead of a month! Anyway, been a bit of a weird week, here are the tracks that stand out in my mind from this week’s listening: L.A. Guns: “Nothing Better To Do”: Bassist Kelly Nickels’ fun little ditty, always loved this one [and fuck, I […]
First, a side note: so many people will call a guitar a “she,” supposedly because of the curves. But really I think this convention stems from it being mostly guys who play guitar, and the vast majority are straight, so it makes sense that if they were going to anthropomorphize […]
[I keep calling these “this week” but then forgetting to post more than once every month or 6 weeks… Oh well…] First off, since I was up til 6:30am today on an L.A. Guns listening kick, here’s the official video for “Rip and Tear”: A little schlocky as any music […]
Like the title says. Of course, like the sign behind Keef’s head says in the photo, patience please. Although I can assure you that a new maQLu album will come first, long before a drug-free America ever will. This time around I decided no arbitrary release dates to cause me […]