Just got back from watching Tyranahorse rock the VanMusic.ca Indie Pop Series at hte British Ex-Serviceman’s Association. Killer fierce set, even though I know Prophecy Sun [vocalist] was dealing with a strained voice. Anyway, figured I’d post the video to one of my favorite Tyranahorse songs: UPDATE: Just found a […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
So I was in the midst of working on a remix when all of a sudden the lights went out, as did my monitors. The laptop carried on thanks to its battery, and the ProTools MBox runs off USB so it was fine. The hard drive, however, shuts off. Emergency […]
And it is at my home station, CiTR Radio in Vancouver: Futureghosts is #21 on this week’s top 30 chart.
So, as is so often the case, the best ideas come late at night when I’m trying to fall asleep. This time, I was pondering how I want to be playing tambourine live on a couple songs, but want to avoid the massive bruising on my upper thigh that I […]
Person A points out that industrial grew out of the punk scene and is therefore very much rooted in a smash the sacred cows ethos. It should piss people off. It should be dangerous. Person B says oh, but the punk scene grew out of the hippie movement, therefore industrial […]
All I reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally want to see is a total eclipse of the sun… except it pissed rain all day today here in Vancouver. So much for that.
Years ago in art school I recall a discussion where the prof was telling us about an interview he saw with Basquiat. The interviewer was asking the usual sorts of inane questions and Basquiat was answering, albeit whilst stuffing his face with French fries. Chewing and mumbling, and refusing to […]
Killer review of Futureghosts from Brushvox, saying Futureghosts is a “journey of exploration beyond the borders of Industrial and Electronic music, beyond the borders of conventional and boredom.” Read the whole thing here: http://brushvox.com/2012/05/maqlu-futureghosts-ep-2012/
Well, my Crackberry is a terrible camera for far-away things, gotta get a new point and shoot real camera, but I did get a couple decent shots from tonight’s Rammstein show at Rogers Arena in Vancouver: Just over an hour and a half for the main set, plus two encores. […]
Presuming it’s still 1985, that is. Programming drums into the drum machines. I’m used to my Yamaha RX8, which is from the early ’90s and arcane enough but the RX15 is a real relic. In some ways the RX15 is much simpler than the RX8 – fewer sounds, no non-drum […]
Cracked.com photoplasty: 21 Albums They Don’t Want You To Know About I say some of these might be an improvement, actually. Case in point: I also thought the Adele one was hilarious.
Was just flipping through the PDF version of the new Discorder Magazine and noticed on the monthly Top 50 chart for CiTR Radio at the back of it that my album blood.black.haze was #29 for the month of April. Sweet! if you’re in Vancouver, Discorder’s all around town as a […]
A year ago yesterday ago we finished mixing this album at Vogville Recording. I was acting as runner/assistant to the assistant [Kurt Maas] to the mix engineer [Dave Ogilvie]. Seems like a lifetime ago, so much has changed in my life and I think also for The Rabid Whole. So […]