So today is “SOCAN Day,” that quarterly payout of artist royalties for airplay on radio, TV, etc. through Canada’s performing rights society (equivalent to ASCAP). I fucking hate SOCAN Day, because for me as for anyone else getting airplay primarily through Canadian college radio, it’s pretty much a big middle […]
Amusing myself
4 posts photoplasty: 21 Albums They Don’t Want You To Know About I say some of these might be an improvement, actually. Case in point: I also thought the Adele one was hilarious.
Nothing to do with maQLu per se, but it involves me, so why not? Originally posted on my other blog, Pyra Draculea Sound. Source Inside Vancouver’s school of rock Nimbus School of Recording Arts teaches engineers the whole music-business package By Chris Brandt, Special to The Sun August 24, 2009 […]