Blanked out last week. Or rather, it occurred to me to post this blog but I was in the middle of rehearsing for my set on Saturday and then it never popped back into my head. So… Johnny Thunders & the Heartbreakers: “It’s Not Enough”: Next song I’ll be working […]
Monthly Archives: May 2014
Alright, figured I’d post a little blurb about my opening set at the Marine Pub this past Saturday May 24 in Burnaby. Also on the bill: We Found a Lovebird and The Furniture. I had a 20 minute block and had originally going to be playing electric [probably my Gibson […]
So iTunes just threw out “Raw Power.” And while listening in bliss, something popped into my head, a fragment of a conversation with a producer a while back about my voice. He who shall remain unnamed is a electro pop guy. So, overprocessed, auto-tuned to Hell and back, all smooth […]
Came out of my jam space to use the washroom this afternoon and saw this guy sitting very still in the hallway: I’ve seen mice around here before, but never sitting still in the open. Particularly considering that usually they bolt if they see me. I actually thought he might […]
Just a week and a half to go until my show at the Marine Pub in Burnaby with The Furniture and We Found A Lovebird. This means it’s time to start practising while blasting audio from some of my favorite loudmouths: Adam Carolla, Howard Stern, Penn Jillette on the Opie […]
Well, nice to finally see some sun here in Vancouver. And warmth. Which is odd since I pretty much only see the sun while driving around, being mostly nocturnal, but it’s nice to know it’s out there somewhere on the other side of the jam space walls. Warmth being nice […]