Previous posts on this problem: Digital Hell and Digital Hell part 2. Update: Digital Hell, conclusion And the plot thickens… I’m now getting the error 6085 every five seconds of playback. [Again, this is ProTools 10 on a brand new MBox Pro 3rd generation running on an iMac.] Digging deep […]
Daily Archives: August 4, 2012
3 posts
Previous: Digital Hell part 1 Later updates: Digital Hell part 3, Digital Hell, conclusion So… I have just spent the last few days chasing down this fucked up growling distortion that appears on tracks as I record them in ProTools [newly updated to ProTools 10 and with a new MBox […]
Updates/further posts: Digital Hell part 2, Digital Hell part 3, Digital Hell, conclusion Borrowed the title from a Raggedy Angry song, fits my last 48 hours, though (that or Malhavoc’s “Totally Fucked Up”). I just spent the last two days in noise Hell. No, that’s not the title of a […]