Well, I guess it’s a good time to look back on the last year. Not going to go into too much detail, it’s all in the blog somewhere or other from when these things were fresh… Kicked off the year with a stint on CiTR Radio’s annual 24 Hours of […]
Monthly Archives: December 2012
Just picked up my short run of CDs for the new album to ship out to Canadian college radio. Guess this means I’d better get that damn bio updated so I can print up the one-sheets to go with ’em.
New stuff: “Sapphire” off the upcoming album Malfeasance. I was going to hold off on this one til the release date of February 1, but meh, it was written as a dead-of-winter sort of song, so what better day than today? The original idea came sometime in 2011, when I […]
Managed to drag myself out of the synth cave tonight to catch my pal Chrystal Leigh doing a couple sets at a restaurant in North Van. And I managed to only get slightly lost en route (thanks Google Maps, also thanks to the city of North Vancouver for its teeny […]
Well, got the masters back from Scott Fox last Sunday, new album [Malfeasance] is sounding killer. Got things sent to distribution via CDBaby, and while the official release for Malfeasance isn’t until February 1, I see the tracklist and are are up on Amazon even though the albums listed as […]
Source: http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2007/11/26/moaning-lisa/ Apparently it’s an part-AI synth thingamajig in what looks like a RealDoll body. [AKA: the product of a very lonely boy with too much time on his hands and an obsession with synths and electronics.] Curious if they’ll make a male version, because I collect bits and pieces […]
Just picked up an Alesis SR-18 drum machine for live stuff. I love the old Yamaha machines I’ve used before, but when you can only have 99 patterns and a given song might need 10 or more, you fill up pretty quickly and if you want to change your set […]
Well, time for another blurb as to what I’m up to this week. I’ve finally gotten settled into the new space. Got my monitor stands so my monitors are properly set up instead of sitting at chest height on my desk. We’ll pretend that that will make some sort of […]
This is real [took a pic of my iPad’s screen when logged into the maQLu Twitter account], but surely it’s a mistake. Either that or it’s a clever scheme – follow a bunch of bands, when they’re done shitting themselves, they follow back, then unfollow since it’s mission accomplished. But […]
The Atlantic on Dave Grohl’s new documentary The Studio City trailer suggests that Grohl may take the opportunity to wrestle with this subject—to further clarify and expand upon his Grammy speech from earlier this year. He asks in the trailer, “In this age of technology, where you can manipulate anything, […]
So, I finally got around to finishing this one after having the stems for a good long time… long enough in fact that between when I got them and finished them, Ben changed the project’s name from C/A/T [Chaos and Terror] to Corvx de Timor! Anyway, here it is: “Night […]
Well, my monitor stands arrived today so I could finally finish the set-up in the new synth cave. Of course, stupid Yorkville doesn’t include instructions. Fortunately I’ve assembled enough IKEA shit in my life that I have a feel for it, but it was a little odd to have six […]